Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Child Learning

When Anita was pregnant, we used to read a lot of books on child development. We were amazed by what a child is capable of learning. Some of the results were amazing. Being a melancholy, I was wondering whether it was all true. I know some of the techniques worked due to extensive research. So we decided to take an active role in developing our boy.

We started reading to him. We showed flash cards to him. We sang to him. We allowed him to explore his physical surrounding. The results of 7 months of work is showing now. Anita called be in the office a couple of days back excitedly telling me Aidan is crawling on his knees. He used to jump forward or crawl on his toe with butt sticking up. Now he is doing it properly. Then, during one of the story reading session, Anita casually asked him where was an object, he surprised her by touching the picture. Wow! Amazing was a child's mind is capable off.

Now that he is mobile, he is standing up holding what ever he can, including my pants. When I call him, he crawls to me and raises his arms to be carried. He knows what milk is. When we ask him whether he wants milk he stops crying and smiles.

On weekends whenever I ask him whether he wants to read a book, he crawls and pops his head on my shoulder and waits for the story. I think he is beginning to like books. He is always excited when I bring him into my study. Lucky him, he has lots of books to inherit.

The other day, we went shopping and return with a bunch of books. Aidan mumbled something that sounded like ' I like books'. Coincidence I know, But it gave us a shock and a good laugh after that. His baby talk sometimes corresponse to real words. Perhaps he is trying.

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