Thursday, September 10, 2009

Aidan's First Train Ride

Y'all know how much Aidan loves trains rite! So, we decided to take him on a train ride last weekend. We took the KTM Komuter... what seemed like a good idea at first turned out to be well, not quite like we expected... or rather we had forgotten how long it takes to wait for the train and how long and tyring the journey can be especially with a toddler.

But, despite that, Aidan had fun. He enjoyed himself. He was so happy that he finally got to go on a train ride. And, he was talking all the way saying things like "The doors are open. The train cannot move until the doors are closed", and everytime the bell went off for an announcement at the station he'd say "Oh, the train is coming soon".

His eyes were like saucers in most of the pictures coz everything was so new and amazing for him to look at for the first time. It was great.

Aidan & Grandma

Aidan loves meddling in Grandma's room coz she never says anything. He gets away with just about anything in there.

Aidan in the year 2009

Well, 2 years have gone by... Aidan's now 2 yrs. and 4 months. Unbelievable, how fast time flies and how fast he's sprouted. It's great now that he's talking, but, sometimes I'm stunned at what comes out of his mouth... "did washing their mouth out with soap and water work in the old days???", I find myself wondering at times... hmm... He's just picking up really fast on what people say around him... it's hard to constantly have to remind friends and family to watch what they say around him. But, I also make it a point to let him know that it's not okay for him to say certain things and being as stubborn as he is (a very prominently inherrant trait from his parents), his 'timeouts' have increased somewhat considerably... but not everyday is like that... thank heavens.

He's always dreaded going to the barber for a haircut, but, lately he's been expressing himself verbally and saying "No barber uncle. Mummy cut my hair". So, I did. I mean how bad could it be....... well, I accidentally cut off one of his side burns and then just to make it look even on the other side I had to cut off the other one too. So, his new hair-do looks like I'd placed a bowl on his head and cut around it. Some of our friends thought he looked very Vulcan, thanks to the new 'Star Trek' Movie. I took the credit, naturally, no point in letting everyone know it was a 'boo-boo'... oops! guess everyone who reads Aidan's blog knows now....