Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A child's Nutrition... every mom's primary concern.

I know we haven't been updating this page for nearly a year now.... we're sorry. Mohan, Aidan's Appa has been really busy with work, and myself, Aidan's Ma, hasn't been able to get time alone on the computer without Aidan saying, "Carry up. Sit on the lap", and scrambling up onto my lap and taking quick jabs at the keyboard before I can pull him away. I know, I could update this site when he naps... alas, I have been using his naptime to try and come up with nutritious yet 'yummy mum-mums', as Aidan would call it, to try and entice him into eating. My mom always complained that I was a picky eater when I was his age... Aidan has relinquished me of that title. Oh there's a long list of stuff he won't eat. The only things he does eat with no complaints are Ice-cream, cheese, fruits, soups, cake with frosting, french fries (chips) and Pao (steamed buns with sweet fillings). He absolutely will not touch vegetables and consumes very little animal protein (probably why he's still quite small for his age).

I did however replace his fav. treat ice-cream with a healthier home made creamy banana popsicle. And, Aidan loves fresh apple+carrot juice, so I use the left over pulp in my juicer to, occasionally, make a carrot apple cake w. cream cheese frosting. A new problem has recently popped up, he knows how to pick out candy in the store... and why wouldn't he? The candy is very strategically placed at a toddlers' level at the cashiers' counter... we grown-ups need to bend/kneel down to pick what we want. And, you think by carrying him while checking your groceries out at the counter is going to prevent him from picking out any candy from the shelves... he reaches for a lollipop instead, because every counter has a lollipop tree at an adult's eye level, very easily accessible to toddlers in mom/dad's arms. Oh, the nightmare our parents would've gone through when they took us to the store at that age...

Well, I do still add veg purees in the food that he does eat and as long as it isn't green he doesn't know it's there. And, for good measure I give him a good kids' chewable multivitamin, vitamin C and a little soya protein in his milk.