Monday, March 3, 2008

Book Collection

When I was one, I don't recall having a book for my self. At my present age I have hundreds to my collection.

Aidan at the age of 9 months , can proudly admit he has close to one hundred books, 87 of them from Grolier.

We spend quite a some of money buying Grolier books recently. Now, being a avid reader, I am embarrassed to admit, I didn't know what Grolier books were. However, my wife, being the smart one, knew about it and ran up to the salesman to make enquiry. Of course the salesman, started his pitch about the benefits of the books and all. My wife diplomatically told him to lay of the speech and get to the books. After all, we or she had decided to buy the. Later I found out that she has been hunting got the books. Anyway, we placed an order for about 87 books which should last Aidan for a couple of years.

However, that didn't stop me from my books for him the other day at MPH. Well Aidan does love his books. He can sit still and listen to us reading to him even for as long as 30minutes.

Now you must be wondering, why so much trouble getting Grolier books. Run to the bookshop and get it. Most of you know I have an intimate relationship with MPH. Well, it has been brought to my attention that Grolier books are distributed via Direct Selling. And indeed, it is a member of the Direct Selling Association. Strange especially, when it is the Leading Child Education guys.

So next time a Direct Seller stops you at the mall, be alert, it might not just be a half past six person, we always think it it.